Know your rights and exactly what you can expect from us at each and every visit.
Pledge One
We will support our staff to deliver excellent care every time. We will make sure employees are:
fully trained and supported
aware of the benefits of good care.
Pledge Two
We will make every contact a positive experience. Our staff will:
be polite, honest and always take the time to listen
give their name and contact details to people using our services
explain what will happen next and signpost if they cannot help
communicate in a way that is easy to read and/or understand
respond in a timely, understanding and accurate way
acknowledge messages, emails and letters, and advise if there will be delays in the response, including details of who is dealing with the matter
make sure people are aware that making a complaint about our services will not negatively affect the care they or their relatives are given.
Pledge Three
We will aim to understand your needs and aspire to develop our services around your expectations. We will:
ask you to tell us if your experience could be improved
respect and respond to you, treating people as individuals
be clear about what you can expect from us
make sure your personal information is kept confidential.
Pledge Four
We will strive to make the environment within which we work, and our culture, welcoming, safe and accessible. We will:
take ownership and pride in the environment in which we deliver services
be friendly and welcoming
consider the needs of people who have physical and sensory impairments, learning disabilities or language needs.
Pledge Five
We will continually measure and learn from client experience. Our senior team will:
regularly review feedback from client and staff surveys, comments, calls to our office, and analysis of complaints and compliments to discover what is important to you to improve services
make sure there are mechanisms in place to share learning across teams, services and the organisation, to continuously improve the client experience.